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Hi, I'm Gregor.



I help first-time managers  accelerate their transition from individual contributors to effective and confident leaders

 This is now. But it was quite a journey up to this point. Here's my story...


Flattering and intimidating job offer

Rewind to November 2003. I got a call from the CEO of one of the country's biggest real estate development companies. He said he was impressed with my work as a Real Estate broker and said: "I need someone to build me a sales department from scratch. You know, a team, an office, processes, the whole shebang." What do I know about all that!? Fast forward a couple of weeks, I went to sign my employment contract as a Sales managerOh yeah, movin' up in the world! 

No leadership training, feeling lost

A part of me felt extra proud that I landed a managerial job without any leadership training whatsoever, but then the reality of that fact kicked in. After two months in my new role, I was lost. I felt unsure of myself, overwhelmed, scared of failure, scared of making some big mistake, not knowing how to build a team, let alone how to lead one, worrying about how I was being accepted in the new environment, what to focus on…Basically, I was a mess, with no signs of "moving up" anywhere.

Embracing challenge: my resolve to grow and lead

But giving up wasn't in my DNA. I made a pact with myself: I wouldn't just hold a title but embody it. That meant learning, growing, and  transforming as a professional and a person. So I devoured books, attended seminars, talked with my peer managers and seasoned leaders. I cherry-picked from all the scattered information I was gathering in hopes that I would find solutions to my specific situation. Those four years were accompanied by much trial and error and constant working long hours. It was stressful for me and the people around me. Results came, and successes came. But that wasn't the only thing that came. 

A nice little burnout 

The market was booming; the workload was enormous. As if chasing plans, hiring, delegating, traveling, and incorporating new processes weren't challenging  enough through that period, I met my wife, got married, bought a home, had a child, and played in the band. At one point, my body said: you're out! Burnout. Luckily, it wasn't severe, but it was bad enough for me to reassess my life and prioritize my values completely. The next thing came quite naturally.

A turnaround with coaching: rapid growth and personal change

I started to work with a mentor and a coach, and quite soon after, I realized I was making bigger, firmer steps. Everything came together  quicker, smoother, and with less stress. And it wasn't just professional stuff; it was about me changing as a person. And I wasn't the only one noticing that. I landed another promotion. I started to coach my team, I remained  coachable and dedicated to growth. Over the next years, two more promotions followed, where I was ultimately entrusted to lead the disposal of the largest repossessed Real Estate portfolio in the country, earning a 6-figure salary.


500 million USD in sales later, and after:

  • working for: privately owned companies, a financial institution, as well as for a wind-down company, 
  • operating in every market condition you can imagine,
  • two decades in corporate world, 15+ years thereof in management and leadership positions,
  • being responsible for over 1,000 deals,
  • seeing the struggles of first-time managers and having struggled myself,
  • seeing the benefits of coaching and mentoring... 

...why did I decide to become a leadership coach? 

Because I BELIEVE:

  1. Leadership is not just an innate talent; it's a skill you can master through persistent effort, learning, and application.
  2. Adequate support and training at the onset of your managerial journey is crucial.
  3. Effective leadership enspires and drives extraordinary results. Simply, it betters lives

My mission is your leadership success 

I draw on my experiences to help you navigate and accelerate your journey. I understand the doubts, the pressure, and the excitement because I've lived it. I'm here to provide you with skills and tools so you can unlock your leadership potential. I'm here to guide you in becoming not just a manager in name but a leader in action. 


Why don't you begin your leadership transition with total clarity, the right mindset, and a proven tool for success?    


Watch my FREE Workshop to learn how